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Beyond Manzanar: Online Demos

For technical and copyright reasons the full Beyond Manzanar piece is not available online. On this page we offer links to screenshots and to excerpted 3D scenes from the piece.

Demo:    Screenshots walk-through:


Click here for a series of screenshots
showing a walk-through of all the scenes in Beyond Manzanar.

Demo:    Movie walk-through:

Click here for a Quicktime movie ( 82 MB )
showing a 5 minute video demo of Beyond Manzanar.

Demo:    Excerpted 3D VRML scenes (for WindowsXP PCs only):

Download and install VRML browser: The scenes from Beyond Manzanar ONLY run on a WindowsXP PC, and ONLY run in theBitmanagement BS Contact VRML browser plugin running in the Internet Explorer Version 5.5 or higher. (Sorry, Corona doesn't work.) Click on the links in the previous sentence to download and install a VRML browser plug-in.

Note: Performance and visual quality varies widely depending on the exact graphic card and operating system components i nstalled on your computer. For the ideal hardware and software requirements please follow the link "Implementation" at the top of the page.

Depending on your connection and the volume of net traffic, the files may take a while to download. If some of the bitmaps remain white, please hit the refresh button on your Internet browser to reload the scene.

Navigation in the 3D world: You can move through the VRML world either by pressing one of the cursor (arrow) keys on the keyboard or with the mouse.
  • To use the keys, press "up arrow" to move forward, "down arrow" to move back, "right arrow" to turn right and "left arrow" to turn left.
  • To use the mouse, move the mouse cursor to the middle of the screen, then click and drag up to move forward, etc.

The following are static, stand-alone 3D scenes excerpted from Beyond Manzanar. They are not linked to any other scenes, and are not interactive - for instance the doors will not open.

After installing a VRML browser, open this page in an Internet Explorer window and then click on an image or accompanying text to download one of the scenes.

internment camp

Camp scene

resolution poem

"Mandala for Manzanar," poem by Zara Houshmand

Iranian garden scene

Text and images © 1998-2009 Tamiko Thiel and Zara Houshmand, all rights reserved.