Augmented Reality knows no boundaries.
Augmented Reality respects no walls.
Augmented Reality goes where it is not wanted.
Augmented Reality is in/compatible!
With Augmented Reality the curator no longer decides what artworks gain entrance to the Sacred Space of an art exhibition - the decision is now in the hands of the artist.
These artworks have been temporarily relocated for the Transmediale.
"Reign of Gold"Tamiko Thiel, 2011Dedicated to the men and women who turn hot air into pure gold. [ LAUNCH ARTWORK ] [ view documentation]
"Jasmine Rain (birdcage)"[ LAUNCH ARTWORK ] A memorial and a warning for the Jasmine Revolutions.
"Captured (for Hrant)"[ LAUNCH ARTWORK ] A memorial for the murdered Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink. [ view documentation of
"Shades of Absence"[ LAUNCH ARTWORK ] A reflection on censored artists, created for the Venice Biennial 2011 guerrilla intervention. |