Tamiko Thiel:
The Totem Project
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o "Fire and Dance" - C.Wawra
o "Feuer und Tanz" - C.Wawra
The Totem Project:

Being/Becoming (video installation, work in progress)
Totem: An object, animal or plant, worshipped as the ancestor or protector of a person
or a clan, and that serves as a magical helper.
The Totem Project is "Cyber Butoh," a series of works that use technology to
reclaim a sense of the human body as mysterious and powerful, a source of mythic significance.

Totem of Heavenly Wisdom
(video sculpture, 1996)

Metamorphoses (digital photos, 1997)
Through the eye of the camera I seek this transformation from the human to the
numinous, from the mortal body to that of its totemic protector.
See also:

CyberTotem: 4D Cubist Portraits, a VRML work in progress

The Golden Seed (video, 1991)