Tamiko Thiel:
We AR in MoMA exhibit
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"ARt Critics Face Matrix"
by Tamiko Thiel, 2010
(in MoMA New York Atrium)
(Click here for subsequent shows in other locations.)

"ARt Critic Face Matrix," MoMA atrium |

April 2011 with Frank Stella exhibit |

For VIDEO documentation click on images:
VIDEO of ARt Critic Face Matrix with Frank Stella exhibit, MoMA NY, April 2011

VIDEO from October 2010, with Yoko Ono's "Voice piece for soprano":

The Intervention:
On October 9 2010, Sander Veenhof & Mark Skwarek organized an uninvited
cyberspace takeover of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York
as part of the Conflux Festival for contemporary psychogeography.
On their kind invitation I was delighted to contribute the AR artwork "ARt Critic Face Matrix" to the exhibit "We AR in MoMA", in which artworks were overlaid over MoMA's "real"
galleries using augmented reality technology.
Selected press: (click here for all articles in NY Times, NPR, WIRED)
- Cyberpunk author Bruce Sterling, WIRED Magazine, Oct. 6, 2010 - 3 days BEFORE the intervention:
"Augmented Reality: AR uninvited at MOMA NYC".
- MoMA tweets our intervention itself one day before the intervention: "Nice, looks like we're having an "uninvited" AR exhibition tomorrow!"
- Britta Conroy-Randall, "Guerilla Artists Stage MoMA Invasion,"
WNYC National Public Radio (see link to video of my "ARt Critic Face Matrix" further down on page).
- Cherise Fong, Augmented Reality: Through the Mobile Looking Glass,
MCD musiques & cultures digitales:
"Among the highlights of the virtual show is Tamiko Thiel’s Art Critic Face Matrix, a floating array of
white faces with open mouths, which is opportunely
juxtaposed with live screaming interpretations of Yoko
Ono’s 1961 'Voice piece for soprano' in the mezzanine."
- MoMA's creative director of digital media Allegra Burnette, speaking about the "We AR in MoMA" intervention in an article by Alexander Fidel in the New York Times:
"That’s something we were really excited to see,” she said. “For us, it means that they care about the museum enough to participate actively in it.”
"Virtual Berlin Wall Goes MoMA"
by T+T (Tamiko Thiel and Teresa Reuter), 2010
(on first floor of MoMA)
This work was also installed during the show "We AR in MoMA," but as AR in mobile applications does not yet work well for large textures the artwork could not be viewed reliably. I have removed this work until the technology improves.
Peggy Weil looks at the "Virtual Berlin Wall" during the opening on Oct. 9 2010

Simulation: "Virtual Berlin Wall Goes MoMA." This work is an extract from Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall, T+T (Tamiko Thiel & Teresa Reuter), 2008

I believe this section of Berlin Wall graffiti was from Thierry Noir.