
"Ten Jo Dai Fu" - A Sudden Wind, High in the Sky ...
Special Award, Seishin-Sha Competition 2000, Tokyo, Japan
[ exhibition photos ]
Special Award, Seishin-Sha Competition 2000, Tokyo, Japan
[ exhibition photos ]

"Aioi no Matsukaze"
...wind in the pines...)
...wind in the pines...)

"Gen" - (essence)
Seattle Cherry Blossom Festival, 2002
Seattle Cherry Blossom Festival, 2002

"Fubaku Fudatsu" - Truly Free

"Flower Glows"


"Soto" - Outside

"Shiki" - Knowledge

"Asobi" - Play

"Odoroku" - Astonishment
Published in the Japanese Community Service of Seattle 2005 calendar
Published in the Japanese Community Service of Seattle 2005 calendar