#  Copyright (c) 1998 by
#  blaxxun interactive Inc, San Francisco, California, USA
#  All rights reserved
#  MODULE NAME:  $RCSfile: raextern.txt,v $
#  REVISION:     $Revision: 1.9 $
#  DATE:         $Date: 2001/02/16 12:36:00 $
#  AUTHOR:       $Author: peter $
#  STATE:        $State: Exp $
#  PROJECT:            blaxxun
#  SYSTEM:             server      - blaxxun server processes - Community Server
#  SUBSYSTEM:          doc         - documentation of Remote Access Server
# Description of external interface of Remote Access Server.

Table of Contents:
1. General
1.1. Intro
1.2. General Notes on Remote Database Access.

2. Files
2.1. libra.a - UNIX library
2.2. ivlibmts.lib - Windows NT library
2.3. raextern.h
2.4. raevent.c

3. Definitions
3.1. Makros and Constants
3.2. Data Types

4. Event Functions
4.1. raEventStartup
4.2. raEventShutdown
4.3. raEventPeriodic
4.4. raEventUdpRequest
4.5. raEventHttpRequest
4.6. raEventTcpRequest

5. General RA API Calls
5.1. raGetServerIp
5.2. raGetServerPort
5.3. raSetPeriod
5.4. raMem2Net
5.5. raNet2Mem

6. Event Related RA UDP API Calls
6.1. raGetArg
6.2. raGetClientIp
6.3. raGetClientPort
6.4. raSetResult
6.5. raClearResult

7. Event Related RA TCP/Http API Calls
7.1. raGetHttpClientIp
7.2. raGetHttpClientPort
7.3. raSetHttpResult
7.4. raClearHttpResult
7.5. raGetHttpHeader
7.6. raGetHttpContent
7.7. raGetHttpUrl

8. RA Client Blocking UDP API Calls
8.1. raclient_udp_create
8.2. raclient_udp_delete
8.3. raclient_udp_error
8.4. raclient_udp_result
8.5. raclient_udp_request
8.6. raclient_udp_multiple

9. RA Client Non-Blocking UDP API Calls
9.1. raCreateClient
9.2. raDeleteClient
9.3. raRequestError
9.4. raRequestResult
9.5. raUdpRequest

10. RA Client TCP API Calls

11. Command Line Tools
11.1. raudp
11.2. ratcp

1. General


1.1. Intro


The remote access server allows to send a string array from a remote access client to the remote access server.

Those strings can then be processed and a string array of results can be sent back to the client.

Example applications that can be implemented based on the RA server are:

- A database server, that maintains a remote database, database queries can be sent remotely to the server and query results can be sent back to the client.

1.2. General Notes on Remote Database Access.


There are blocking client API calls to the RA server and non blocking ones to be used in server applications.

The blocking client API calls will only return if either an error occurs or the RA server sends a positive reply.

If an error occurs the client database request has been executed by the server at most once, i.e either 0 or 1 times.

If no error occurs the client database request has been executed by the server exactly once, i.e. exactly one time.

In order for remote database access to work correctly with this scheme it is necessarry that all remote database access calls are idempotent, i.e. yield the same result if executed more than once.

All read operations are idempotent. But close care has to be taken with write operations in order to make them idempotent.

E.g: "Set the value of the score of the user to 37" is idempotent.

"Increase the value of the score of the user by one" is NOT!!!!.

2. Files


2.1. libra.a - UNIX library


For UNIX systems this library is distributed in directory src/linuxbin and src/solarisbin.

In the cdserver distribution the functions of this library are actually included in the library libchapi.a.

The library contains the application interface. It is actually a blaxxun process that has to be linked with the file raevent.o, libconfig.a libpaa.a, libpacket.a and libproc.a.

The library also contains the client interface calls for the RA server.

The interface to the process is as follows:

  FUNCTION NAME:        main raserver

    Does the work of the RA server.

    The option -TRACE enables traces to the logfile.
    This option can be toggled sending a kill -SIGUSR2 to the process.

    The option -D prevents the process from disconnecting from the
    control terminal for debug purposes.

    If the process receives a kill -SIGUSR1 it writes it complete
    status information to the log file.

    The environment variable $BSIROOT has to be set.
    The process assumes existence of the directories
    $BSIROOT/log and $BSIROOT/status.

    Writes logs to the file $BSIROOT/log/raserver.<portnumberused>

  RETURN VALUES:               
    The process can be terminated by kill -SIGTERM

    exit( 0 );  OK
    exit( 1 );  an error occured

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    static char usage[] =
    "Usage: %s -p port -tp tcpport -ta tcpaddress [ -TRACE -D ]\n\
        -p port: is the port the RA server should work with\n\
        -tp tcpport: is the tcp port the RA server should work with\n\
        -ta tcpaddr: is the tcp ip address the RA server should work with\n\
        -TRACE: enables the trace flag\n\
        -D: is for debugging\n";
In order to use this process install Community Server 3.00, create the raserver in src, copy it to the Community Server <installdir>/bin directory and add it to the file <installdir>/chstart.

2.2. ivlibmts.lib - Windows NT library


For NT systems all binary files are distributed in directory src/ntbin along with a MS VC++ 4.2 makefile.

1. Edit file rantserv.h

   - insert your own names for the both defines:
        #define RANT_SERVICE_NAME        "raserver"
        // this is the name of your NT service and also the registry
        // prefix for the "apserverPort" reg value.

Edit the file raevent.c - modify the existing event handler functions to your needs.
2. Open the makefile raserver.mak in VC++ 4.2.

3. Compile and build the executable src/ntbin/raserver.exe If you rename the servicename you should also rename the exe file.

4. Register the raserver.exe file under NT with the command line tool src/ntbin/sinstall.exe. Use the same servicename as entered in the H-file before for RANT_SERVICE_NAME. Enter an absolute pathname for the exepath.

Usage: sinstall.exe servicename servicedisplayname exepath

5. Enter a new value in the registry:

   - Open regedit.exe

- Go to key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/blaxxunInteractive/Community Server

- Add a new String value "raserverPort" = 2070 (use the servicename you entered in the H-FILE for APNT_SERVICE_NAME as prefix, and choose an available UDP port)

6. Start the NT Service Control Manager and start your new service. The new process writes a log file under <installdir>\log\

7. You can unregister the service using the command src/ntbin/sdelete.exe

2.3. raextern.h


This include file gets distributed in directory src.

  File raextern.h

  PROJECT:            VWP         - blaxxun virtual worlds platform
  SYSTEM:             server      - server processes
  COMPONENT:          apserver    - Community Server API server

      external include file of ra server

2.4. raevent.c


This file resides in the directory src.

  File raevent.c

  PROJECT:            VWP         - blaxxun virtual worlds platform
  SYSTEM:             server      - server processes
  COMPONENT:          apserver    - Community Server API server

      Event functions called. The functions given in this file are
      examples for the Event Functions of the Interface.

      Customize them to your own needs.

3. Definitions


3.1. Makros and Constants


 * defaults for timeout and retries
#define RA_DEFAULT_RETRIES          5
#define RA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT          3

 * maximum number of arguments for call
#define RA_MAX_N_ARGUMENTS       1500
#define RA_MAX_SIZE_ARGUMENTS    32000

 * in the http request case we allow the following request size
#define RA_MAX_HTTP_REQUEST_SIZE ( 256 * 1024 )

 * Error codes for the ra client calls
#define RA_ERR_HOSTNAME	-1	/* error during hostname lookup               */
#define RA_ERR_SOCKET	-2	/* error during socket creation               */
#define RA_ERR_KILLED	-3	/* sigterm received                           */
#define RA_ERR_CONNECT	-4	/* error during connect to the raserver       */
#define RA_ERR_ARGSIZE	-5	/* length of arguments exceeds limit          */
#define RA_ERR_INARGC	-6	/* Parameter inargc exceeds maximum value     */
#define RA_ERR_TIMEOUT	-7	/* The raserver did not answer                */
#define RA_ERR_MEMORY	-8	/* Client is out of memory                    */
#define RA_ERR_CLIENT	-9	/* Invalid client pointer                     */
#define RA_ERR_DENIED	-10	/* Server denied request                      */
#define RA_ERR_DELETED	-11	/* a udp client delete call has been made     */
#define RA_ERR_NORESULT	-12	/* the server didn't give a result            */
#define RA_ERR_WRONGRESULT	-13	/* the server didn't give correct result  */

3.2. Data Types


typedef unsigned long  ra_ip_t;
typedef unsigned short ra_port_t;
typedef unsigned long  ra_4byte_t;

 * A pointer to the Remote Acess UDP Request handler function
typedef void (* raHandlerReplyPtr_t)( char * request, void * userdata, int rc );
typedef void (* raHandlerUdpFuncPtr_t)( char * client, int argc, char *argv[] );
typedef void (* raHandlerHttpFuncPtr_t)( char * client );
typedef void (* raHandlerShutdownPtr_t)( int exitcode );
typedef void (* raHandlerPeriodicPtr_t)( struct timeval * now );

 * The following type is used internally by the RA server
typedef struct raserver_s
    time_t            now;              /* the current time set by id_reply   */
    time_t            lastlog;          /* last time log was printed          */
    ra_port_t         port;             /* port number used by RA server      */
    ra_ip_t           ip;               /* ip address used by server          */
    int               socket;           /* udp socket used by RA server       */
    int               standalone;       /* flag: this is real raserver        */
    struct timeval    period;           /* period RA server works with        */
    struct timeval    iperiod;          /* internal period of RA server       */
    struct timeval    nextperiod;       /* next time periodic event is called */
    volatile int      statusprint;      /* flag for status print, set by      */
                                        /* id_sigusr1_handler                 */
                                        /* number of packets received of type */
    ra_4byte_t        n0packets;        /* length 0                           */
    ra_4byte_t        nunknown;         /* unknown packets                    */
    ra_4byte_t        nudprequest;      /* UDP client requests                */
    ra_4byte_t        nreplays;         /* UDP client requests replays        */

    char             *sessions;         /* pointer to sessions hash table     */
    ra_4byte_t        nsessions;        /* number of active udp sessions      */
    ra_4byte_t        tsessions;        /* total number of udp sessions ever  */

    void            * sessionhead;      /* head and tail of list of udp       */
    void            * sessiontail;      /* sessions                           */

    void            * connhead;         /* head and tail of list of tcp       */
    void            * conntail;         /* connections                        */
    ra_4byte_t        nconnections;     /* number of active tcp connections   */
    ra_4byte_t        tconnections;     /* total number of tcp connections    */

    void           * clienthead;        /* head and tail of list of clients   */
    void           * clienttail;

                                 /* the handlers for remote access requests   */
    raHandlerUdpFuncPtr_t  ra_handler;
    raHandlerHttpFuncPtr_t ra_httphandler;
    raHandlerShutdownPtr_t ra_shutdown;
    raHandlerPeriodicPtr_t ra_periodic;

    int               tcpsocket;        /* tcp listen socket used             */
    ra_port_t         tcpport;          /* port number used by RA server      */
    char            * tcpHostname;      /* on multihomed firewall machines    */
    ra_ip_t           tcpip;            /* the tcp and the udp connections    */
                                        /* can happen on different IP addrs   */
                                        /* In this case the tcp hostname has  */
                                        /* to be specified through the        */
                                        /* commandline, the udp address is    */
                                        /* taken from the server configuration*/
} raserver_t;

4. Event Functions


Event Functions are called by the Community Server RA without a need to register them.

Examples for the functions are supplied in raevent.c. Those functions may be customized by users of the RA server.

4.1. raEventStartup


  FUNCTION NAME:        raEventStartup

    This function is called when the RA server is started.

  NOTE: In order to make the process run correctly on NT this function must
        not perform any exits, use a return code of 110 or higher as the
        example does.

        In case the remote access library is linked into an apserver,
        this function is NOT called. The API server only calls its
        own startup event chEventStartup.

    int rc == 0: ok process started successfully
        rc != 0: the startup failed, the process will go down with
                 the exitcode returned

int raEventStartup(
int        argc,            /* number of parameters             */
char      *argv[]           /* comamnd line parameters          */

4.2. raEventShutdown


  FUNCTION NAME:        raEventShutdown

    This function is called when the RA server is terminated.

        In case the remote access library is linked into an apserver,
        this function is NOT called. The API server only calls its
        own shutdown event chEventShutdown.


void raEventShutdown(
int exitcode                /* return code for exit call        */

4.3. raEventPeriodic


  FUNCTION NAME:        raEventPeriodic

    This function is called periodically.
    The default is every 60 seconds, the default can be changed by 
    calling raSetPeriod.

    The minimum value possible for period is 100000 microseconds.

        In case the remote access library is linked into an apserver,
        this function is NOT called. The API server only calls its
        own periodic event chEventPeriodic.


void raEventPeriodic(
struct timeval * now                    /* time when function was called    */

4.4. raEventUdpRequest


  FUNCTION NAME:        raEventUdpRequest

    This function is called whenever a UDP client request comes in.
    Use the server api call raGetArg to retrieve the arguments one by

    And use raSetResult to set result strings for the client application.

    At least one result string has to be set, otherwise the client api
    call returns with the error RA_ERR_DENIED.


void raEventUdpRequest(
char            *client,        /* client that sent the request     */
int              inargc,        /* number of arguments sent         */
char            *inargv[]       /* pointerarray of arguments sent   */

4.5. raEventHttpRequest


  FUNCTION NAME:        raEventHttpRequest

    This function is called whenever a Http client request comes in.
    And use raSetHttpResult to set result strings for the client application.

    At least one result string has to be set, otherwise the client api
    call returns with the error RA_ERR_DENIED.


void raEventHttpRequest(
char  *connection               /* r: connection that sent the request  */

4.6. raEventTcpRequest


Not yet implemented.

5. General RA API Calls


The following general API Calls exist.

5.1. raGetServerIp


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetServerIp

    Returns the IP address of the machine the server runs on 

    ra_ip_t rc the IP in network byte order

ra_ip_t raGetServerIp()

5.2. raGetServerPort


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetServerPort

    Returns the Port number used by the raserver.

    ra_port_t rc the port in network byte order

ra_port_t raGetServerPort()

5.3. raSetPeriod


  FUNCTION NAME:        raSetPeriod

    Sets the period in which the periodic event is called.

    int rc ==  0: The period was set
    int rc !=  0: An internal error

int raSetPeriod(
struct timeval period           /* r: period to be used                     */

5.4. raMem2Net


  FUNCTION NAME:        raMem2Net

    Converts a memory buffer into a 0 terminated string that can
    be sent via raudp.

     0 is represented as 0x0203
     1 is represented as 0x0204
     2 is represented as 0x0205

    char * retptr != NULL: a 0 terminated string in static memory

    otherwise: Out of memory

char * raMem2Net(
char           * from,         /* IN: pointer to data to convert            */
size_t           len           /* IN: length of that data                   */

5.5. raNet2Mem


  FUNCTION NAME:        raNet2Mem

    Converts a raupd network string into a memory buffer

     0x0203 is converted to 0
     0x0204 is converted to 1
     0x0205 is converted to 2

    char * retptr != NULL: the decoded buffer in static memory
                           the length is set to output parameter tolen

    otherwise: Out of memory

char * raNet2Mem(
char           * from,         /* IN:  pointer to string to convert         */
size_t         * tolen         /* OUT: length of output data                */

6. Event Related RA UDP API Calls


The following API Calls exist for UDP requests.

6.1. raGetArg


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetArg

    Returns the i'th argument string given by the last call to

    Use it to retrieve the arguments one by one after a succesful call
    to raEventUdpRequest.

    char * retptr == NULL: index is out of bounds

char * raGetArg(
char           * psession,      /* IN: pointer to client                     */
int              index          /* IN: index of argument to retrieve         */

6.2. raGetClientIp


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetClientIp

    Returns the IP address of a client sending a udp request

    ra_ip_t rc the IP in network byte order

ra_ip_t raGetClientIp(
char           * psession       /* IN: pointer to client                     */

6.3. raGetClientPort


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetClientPort

    Returns the Port number used by a client sending a udp request

    ra_port_t rc the port in network byte order

ra_port_t raGetClientPort(
char           * psession       /* IN: pointer to client                     */

6.4. raSetResult


  FUNCTION NAME:        raSetResult

    Sets the next result string in a call to raEventUdpRequest.

    int rc >= 0: ok, length of total bytes set up to now is returned
    int rc  < 0: error, total of results set exceeds buffer size

int  raSetResult(
char           * psession,      /* IN: pointer to client                     */
char           * result         /* IN: result to set                         */

6.5. raClearResult


  FUNCTION NAME:        raClearResult

    Clears the result buffer, should be called when raSetResult
    reports an error.

    int rc == 0: returns always 0

int  raClearResult(
char           * psession       /* IN: pointer to client                     */

7. Event Related RA TCP/Http API Calls


7.1. raGetHttpClientIp


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetHttpClientIp

    Returns the IP address of a connection sending a http request

    ra_ip_t rc the IP in network byte order

ra_ip_t raGetHttpClientIp(
char           * pconnection   /* IN: pointer to connection                 */

7.2. raGetHttpClientPort


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetHttpClientPort

    Returns the Port number used by a client sending a http request

    ra_port_t rc the port in network byte order

ra_port_t raGetHttpClientPort(
char           * pconnection   /* IN: pointer to connection                 */

7.3. raSetHttpResult


  FUNCTION NAME:        raSetHttpResult

    Sets the next result string in a call to raEventHttpRequest.

    unsigned rc > 0: ok, length of total bytes set up to now is returned
    unsigned rc = 0: error, out of memory

unsigned long raSetHttpResult(
char           * pconnection,   /* IN: pointer to connection                 */
char           * result         /* IN: result to set                         */

7.4. raClearHttpResult


  FUNCTION NAME:        raClearHttpResult

    Clears the result buffer, should be called when raSetHttpResult
    reports an error.

    int rc == 0: returns always 0

int  raClearHttpResult(
char           * pconnection    /* IN: pointer to connection                 */

7.5. raGetHttpHeader


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetHttpHeader

    Returns the header sent in a request

    ptr to the header in memory

char * raGetHttpHeader(
char           * pconnection,  /* IN: pointer to connection                 */
size_t         * len           /* OUT: length of header                     */

7.6. raGetHttpContent


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetHttpContent

    Returns the content sent in a POST request

    char * retptr == NULL: the request was a GET request, no content is given

    otherwise: ptr to the content in memory

char * raGetHttpContent(
char           * pconnection,  /* IN: pointer to connection                 */
size_t         * len           /* OUT: length of content                    */

7.7. raGetHttpUrl


  FUNCTION NAME:        raGetHttpUrl

    Returns the url sent in a request, in the GET case this url
    contains the parameters given.

    char * retptr == NULL: no url was given

    otherwise: ptr to the url in memory

char * raGetHttpUrl(
char           * pconnection,  /* IN: pointer to connection                 */
size_t         * len           /* OUT: length of url                        */

8. RA Client Blocking UDP API Calls


The following client blocking UDP API calls exist.

8.1. raclient_udp_create


  FUNCTION NAME:        raclient_udp_create

    Creates a remote access client udp structure, the structure can be
    used in raclient_udp_request calls.

    Delete the structure with raclient_udp_delete once you don't need
    it anymore.

    raclient_udp_t * retptr == NULL: Error, out of memory
                     retptr != NULL: a remote access client structure to use

char * raclient_udp_create(
char  *  hostname,           /* IN: name of host RA server is running on  */
int      port,               /* IN: port of RA server, in host byte order */
time_t   timeout,            /* IN: seconds between retries               */
int      nretries            /* IN: number of retries to attempt          */

8.2. raclient_udp_delete


  FUNCTION NAME:        raclient_udp_delete

    Deletes a remote access client udp structure.

    Do not use the pointer after calling this function.


void raclient_udp_delete(
char           * pclient        /* IN: pointer to client                     */

8.3. raclient_udp_error


  FUNCTION NAME:        raclient_udp_error

    Returns the error string set by the last call raclient_udp_request.

    Use it to retrieve a detailed error string when raclient_udp_request

    char * retptr: points to the error string set.

char * raclient_udp_error(
char           * pclient        /* IN: pointer to client                     */

8.4. raclient_udp_result


  FUNCTION NAME:        raclient_udp_result

    Returns the i'th result string returned by the last call to

    Use it to retrieve the results one by one after a succesful call
    to raclient_udp_request.

    char * retptr == NULL: index is out of bounds
           retptr != NULL: pointer to the i'th result, a '\0' terminated string.

                           The result is stored in static memory, subsequent
                           calls to raclient_udp_request() will reuse that

char * raclient_udp_result(
char           * pclient,       /* IN: pointer to client                     */
int              index          /* IN: index of result to retrieve           */

8.5. raclient_udp_request


  FUNCTION NAME:        raclient_udp_request

    This function sends a UDP request to the ra server specified
    in raclient_udp_create. The call is blocking and only returns
    when either a result is received, the request is denied by the
    server or a timeout occurs.

    The request is sent via UDP, therefore the total number of the arguments
    is limited by the size of a UDP packet, RA_MAX_SIZE_ARGUMENTS bytes.

    The total size of the result values is also limited by that size.

    int rc <  0: An error occured, see raclient_udp_error() for details.
                 Error code are defined in raextern.h.

    int rc >= 0: Number of results sent back from the raserver. 
                 Use raclient_udp_result() to retrieve them.

    Note: The values of the result are stored in static memory, subsequent
          calls to this function will overwrite them.

int raclient_udp_request(
char           * pclient,       /* IN: pointer to client                     */
int              inargc,        /* IN: number of arguments that follow       */
char           * inargv[]       /* IN: pointers array of arguments           */

8.6. raclient_udp_multiple


  FUNCTION NAME:        raclient_udp_multiple

    This frunction reads udp requests from stream infile.
    Each line read from infile is treated as a seperate request.

    Each whitespace separated word of a line is sent as a
    seperate request parameter. If words have to contain spaces
    they can be quoted.

    Ex: "this space" sends
                                       this space
        as one word to the server.

    If quoted words have to contain ", they can be escaped with \ 
    Ex: "the \" starts a quote" sends
                                       the " starts a quote
        as one word to the server.

    For each request the results sent back by the raserver are
    printed on outfile. Each result parameter on a seperate line.

    int rc <  0: An error occured, see raclient_udp_error() for details.
                 Error code are defined in raextern.h.

    int rc >= 0: Total number of results sent back from the raserver. 
                 Each of them is already printed on outfile on a seperate

int raclient_udp_multiple(
char           * pclient,       /* IN: pointer to client                     */
FILE           * infile,        /* IN: stream to read aruments from          */
FILE           * outfile        /* IN: stream to print results to            */

9. RA Client Non-Blocking UDP API Calls


The following client non blocking UDP API calls exist.

9.1. raCreateClient


  FUNCTION NAME:        raCreateClient

    Creates a remote access client udp structure, the structure can be
    used in raUdpRequest calls.

    Delete the structure with raDeleteClient once you don't need
    it anymore.

    raclient_udp_t * retptr == NULL: Error, out of memory
                     retptr != NULL: a remote access client structure to use

char * raCreateClient(
char  *  hostname,           /* IN: name of host RA server is running on  */
int      port,               /* IN: port of RA server, in host byte order */
time_t   timeout,            /* IN: seconds between retries               */
int      nretries            /* IN: number of retries to attempt          */

9.2. raDeleteClient


  FUNCTION NAME:        raDeleteClient

    Deletes a remote access client udp structure.

    Do not use the pointer after calling this function.


void raDeleteClient(
char           * pclient        /* IN: pointer to client                     */

9.3. raRequestError


  FUNCTION NAME:        raRequestError

    This function is to be called from the handler function of
    an raUdpRequest() call.

    It returns a detailed error string when raUdpRequest()
    reports an error to the reply handler function.

    char * retptr: points to the error string set.

char * raRequestError(
char           * prequest       /* IN: pointer to request                   */

9.4. raRequestResult


  FUNCTION NAME:        raRequestResult

    This function is to be called from the handler function of
    an raUdpRequest() call.

    It returns the i'th result string returned by the
    remote acces call.

    Use it to retrieve the results one by one after a succesful call
    to raUdpRequest().

    char * retptr == NULL: index is out of bounds
           retptr != NULL: pointer to the i'th result, a '\0' terminated string.

                           The result is stored in heap memory. 
                           This memory will be freed after your handler
                           function returns.

char * raRequestResult(
char           * prequest,      /* IN: pointer to request                    */
int              index          /* IN: index of result to retrieve           */

9.5. raUdpRequest


  FUNCTION NAME:        raUdpRequest

    This function sends a UDP request to the ra server specified
    in raCreateClient.

    The call is non blocking and returns immediatedly.

    When either a result is received or the request is denied by the
    server or a timeout occurs, the handler function specified here
    as parameter is called. This handler function then has to
    handle the results.

    The interface to the handler function is as follows:

        void handler(
                      char * request,
                      void * userdata,
                      int    rc

        Use the parameter "request" in subsequent calls to raRequestResult()
        or raRequestError() in case of an error.

        The parameter "userdata" is the userdata parameter as supplied to
        this function.

        The parameter "rc" contains the return code of the database request made.
        If rc >= 0: Number of arguments returned by the database request.
                    Use raRequestResult() to retrieve them one by one.

        If rc <  0: An error occured, error codes are defined in raextern.h.
                    Use the function raRequestError() to retrieve a description.

    The request is sent via UDP, therefore the total number of the arguments
    is limited by the size of a UDP packet, RA_MAX_SIZE_ARGUMENTS bytes.

    The total size of the result values is also limited by that size.

    int rc <  0: An error occured, see raRequestError() for details.
                 Error code are defined in raextern.h.

    int rc == 0: The request was sent successfully.

int raUdpRequest(
int                  socket,     /* IN: socket to send through              */
char               * pclient,    /* IN: pointer to udp request client       */
int                  inargc,     /* IN: number of arguments that follow     */
char               * inargv[],   /* IN: pointers array of arguments         */
raHandlerReplyPtr_t  handler,    /* IN: handler function called on reply    */
void               * userdata    /* IN: user data passed on to handler      */

10. RA Client TCP API Calls


Not yet implemented.

11. Command Line Tools


11.1. raudp


  FUNCTION NAME:        main

    This program calls the Remote Access server specified with the -r option
    with all other arguments given.

    Each request is sent via UDP, therefore the total number of the arguments
    is limited by the size of a UDP packet, RA_MAX_SIZE_ARGUMENTS bytes.

    The total size of the result values is also limited by that size.

    If the first argument given is "-", the function reads lines of
    UDP request parameters from stdin.

    Each line read from infile is treated as a seperate request.

    Each whitespace separated word of a line is sent as a
    seperate request parameter. If words have to contain spaces
    they can be quoted.

    Ex: "this space" sends
                                       this space
        as one word to the server.

    If quoted words have to contain ", they can be escaped with \
    Ex: "the \" starts a quote" sends
                                       the " starts a quote
        as one word to the server.

    For each request the results sent back by the raserver are
    printed on stdout. Each result parameter on a seperate line.


    raudp -r localhost:2070 -BSIROOT /services/bsi arg1 arg2
        arg1 arg2 are sent to the raserver.

    raudp -r localhost:2070 -BSIROOT /services/bsi -
        contents of stdin are sent to the raserver.

    int exitcode != 0: An error occured, the error is printed on stdout.

    int exitcode == 0: All return arguments are printed on stdout on
                       separate lines.


int main(
int      argc,			/* IN: number of arguments that follow       */
char  *  argv[]			/* IN: pointers array of arguments           */
    static char usage[] =
    "Usage %s -r raserver:port -BSIROOT rootdir [ arg1 arg2 .... ]\n\
        -r raserver:port hostname and port of raserver to call\n\
        arg1 arg2 ...    arguments to send to the server\n\
                         if arg1 == -, arguments are read from stdin\"";

11.2. ratcp


  FUNCTION NAME:        main

    This program calls the Remote Access server specified with the -r option
    with all other arguments given.

    Each request is sent via TCP, therefore the total number of the arguments
    is limited by the size of a UDP packet, RA_MAX_SIZE_ARGUMENTS bytes.


    raudp -r localhost:2070 -BSIROOT /services/bsi arg1 arg2
        arg1 arg2 are sent to the raserver.

    int exitcode != 0: An error occured, the error is printed on stdout.

    int exitcode == 0: All return arguments are printed on stdout on
                       separate lines.


int main(
int      argc,			/* IN: number of arguments that follow       */
char  *  argv[]			/* IN: pointers array of arguments           */
    static char usage[] =
    "Usage %s -r raserver:port -BSIROOT rootdir [ arg1 arg2 .... ]\n\
        -r raserver:port hostname and port of raserver to call\n\
        arg1 arg2 ...    arguments to send to the server\n\
                         if arg1 == -, arguments are read from stdin\"";

End of document!