Mission Base

Program Base Library Functions

void* pblSetSetHashValueFunction

( PblSet* set,
  int (* hashValue ) ( const void* element ) )

Sets an application specific hash value function for the elements of the hash set.


Sets an application specific hash value function for the elements of the hash set. For tree sets this function does nothing.

An application specific hash value function can be set to the set only if the set is empty.

The hash function specified should be based on the hash functions supplied by the library: pblSetByteBufferHashValue and pblSetStringHashValue.

If no specific hash value function is specified by the user, the default hash value function pblSetDefaultHashValue is used.

This method has a time complexity of O(1).

set - The set to set hash value function for
hashValue - The hash value function to set
element - The element to get the hash value for
* retptr != (void*)-1: The hash value function used before.
* retptr == (void*)-1: An error, see pbl_errno:
PBL_ERROR_PARAM_SET - The set is not empty.

Alphabetic index

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