Mission Base

Program Base Library Functions

PblSet* pblCollectionConvertToTreeSet

( PblCollection* collection )

Returns a pblTreeSet with a shallow copy of this collection instance.


Returns a pblTreeSet with a shallow copy of this collection instance.

The elements themselves are not copied.

NULL elements contained in the collection are silently ignored.

This method has a memory complexity of O( N ) and a time complexity of O(N * Log N), with N being the number of elements in the collection.

collection - The collection to convert
PblSet * retPtr != NULL: A pointer to the new set.
PblSet * retPtr == NULL: An error, see pbl_errno:
PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Out of memory.
PBL_ERROR_PARAM_COLLECTION - The collection cannot be iterated.
PBL_ERROR_CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION - The collection was modified concurrently.

Alphabetic index

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