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List of important files of the PBL libraryFILES
- pbl.h - The include file of the library.
- pbl.c - C Source for the base functions.
- pblCollection.c - Source file for a Collection similar to the Java Collection.
- pblHeap.c - Source file for a C implementation of a binary heap.
- pblIterator.c - Source file for the C implementation of an Iterator similar to the Java Iterator and Java ListIterator.
- pblList.c - Source file for the ArrayList and LinkedList functions.
- pblListTest.c - Source file for the ArrayList and LinkedList function test frame.
- pblMap.c - Source file for the C implementation of a Map similar to the Java Map.
- pblMapTest.c - Source file for the Map function test frame.
- pblPriorityQueue.c - Source file for the C implementation of a binary max-heap based priority queue.
- pblPriorityQueueTest.c - Source file for the priority queue function test frame.
- pblSet.c - Source file for the C implementation of two Sets similar to the Java HashSet and Java TreeSet.
- pblSetTest.c - Source file for the set function test frame.
- makefile - A Unix makefile for the component.
- pblhash.c - Source file for the hash functions.
- pblhttst.c - Source file for the hash function test frame.
- pblkf.c - Source file for the key file functions.
- pblkftst.c - Source file for the key file handling test frame.
- pblisam.c - Source file for the isam file functions.
- pbliftst.c - Source file for the isam file handling test frame.
- pblhttstdeb.dsp - A Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 project file for hash table debug.
- pblkftstdeb.dsp - A Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 project file for key file debug.
- pbliftstdeb.dsp - A Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 project file for isam file debug.
- ISAM0001.TST - A test case for the isam file handling test frame.
- ISAM0002.TST - A test case for the isam file handling test frame.
- ISAM0003.TST - A test case for the isam file handling test frame.
- ISAM0004.TST - A test case for the isam file handling test frame.
- ISAM0005.TST - A test case for the isam file handling test frame.
- ISAM0006.TST - A test case for the isam file handling test frame.
- LINKEDLIST0001.TST - A test case for the LinkedList file handling test frame.
- ARRAYLIST0001.TST - A test case for the ArrayList file handling test frame.
- pbl.dxx - The source for this document.